
Backyard Beekeeper BB01 Th 7-9 pm 2/9-4/20 $50

H. Rogers - Master Beekeeper Advanced - Become a backyard beekeeper – beekeeping is fun, interesting, and rewarding in many ways. This class starts with a general introduction about why we keep bees, and to fast track you to enjoy your own bees in the spring. Classes progress through all aspects of beekeeping, including equipment, bee behavior, pests and diseases, seasonal maintenance, and apiary inspections. By the end of class you could have your own active hives and hopefully even a honey harvest this year! 

College Prep-A CP01 Th 7-9 pm 2/9 $25 J. Brand - Picking the Right “FIT” Colleges and Majors - Learn the importance of college selection as it pertains to admissions chances, and SAT/ACT scores. Discussion will include an overview of graduation requirements and endorsements, typical 4-year plans, and differences between AP and Dual Credit. Class would be most useful for students in 8th-11th grades and their parents. 

Essentials of Estate Planning EP01 T 7-8:30 pm 2/7 $20 Hegwood & Associates, P.C. - Get answers to the questions you are afraid to ask. Discover the estate planning basics every adult in Texas MUST know to protect assets, children, pets and end-of-life wishes following their death or incapacity. Families often worry that the assets they have worked so hard for could be gone in a matter of months at the hand of a nursing home facility, and rightfully so. Learn how to plan for the second half of life and learn what assets are exempt in the first place and how to hold on to those assets that are not. Wills, Probate, and Elder Law will be discussed. 

Oil Painting-A OP01 T 7-8:30 pm 2/7-3/7 $100 Oil Painting-B OP02 Th 10-11:30 am 4/6-5/4 $100 L. Marx - This is a beginner class. This course is designed to introduce the basic elements of oil painting with little or no experience. Learn the use of materials to gain a better understanding of the painting medium and how to translate concepts into visual images on canvas. Instruction will be given on color mixing, composition, and achieving painterly effects to create your own oil painting. Evening class at FHS, Morning class at FISD Annex. Supplies included 

  1. Watercolor-A  WC01 Th 10-11:30 am 2/9-3/9 $100

  2. Watercolor-B  WC01 T 7-8:30 pm 4/4-5/2 $100

L. Marx - This is a beginner class. This course provides a basic understanding of how to paint successfully with watercolors. Explore how to mix watercolors and apply pigment to paper. Learn the effects that can be achieved using fun easy techniques to create your own individual watercolor painting. Evening class at FHS, Morning class at FISD Annex. Supplies included 

Yoga/Morning-A YO02 M 10-11 am 2/6-3/6 $65 Yoga/Morning-B YO03 M 10-11 am 4/3-5/1 $65
A. Bendixen - A five-week course for beginners and anybody interested in brushing up on fundamentals based on the ancient practice of Hatha Yoga, with attention to proper alignment of the body and the deeper layers of yoga. The intention is to bring balance, strength, improved flexibility and calmness to the practitioner. This class includes instruction in pranayama (breathing practices), basic asana (yoga postures), vinyasa (flow yoga), restorative yoga and basic meditation. Please bring a yoga mat and water to class. Class held in FISD Annex Training Room, 402 Laurel Drive. 






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